how to sign up
how to sign up

guarantee your housing for f'25 & s'26 now!
Sign up to secure your spot in 2 simple steps:

1. Complete Your
Housing Guarantee
Signing up as a group?
Everyone in your roommate group completes the same guarantee!
Signing up as an individual?
Submit your guarantee.
Once complete & signed, email it back to us at students@hudsondorms.com
and CC each member of your group
(if applicable).

2. Submit the
Guarantee Advance*
Lock in your sign up date when we receive your $400 Guarantee Advance!
We most commonly accept payment by Venmo, Zelle or check!
Venmo: @hudsondorms
Zelle: hudsondorms@gmail.com
Checks: Make payable to
Hudson Dorms LLC and mailed to
P.O. Box 6220 Hoboken, NJ 07030

Your Journey

As a student, you may find yourself in one of three situations after submitting your guarantee form and advance:

Sign Up As A Full Group
(at least 4 students)
Build Your Full Group

Get Connected With Other Students
Depending on what group you fall into, you can follow this chart to better understand how your move in process will go:
Housing Selection Slot
Your full group will select your apartment in order of earliest sign-up date
Roommate Matchmaking
Contact our matchmaking specialist here to get started!
(starting in February)
Full group?
Need more roomies?

Join our Discord Server to connect with other students who are also looking for roommates!
If you have any questions or special circumstances, feel free to reach out to us!